Friday, June 21, 2013

Reddit against SOPA

Reddit is currently one of the fastest growing websites out there.  It is used throughout the world by people of all ages and demographics, although its main demographic is college aged, white, American males.  A large portion of Reddit is devoted entirely to politics and world news, which is very often left leaning.  The result of having so many like-minded people on one site is that often times these people will stand together and act as a group to get certain things done.  One of the biggest examples is when the U.S. government attempted to enact SOPA - Reddit was one of the many websites that black themselves out for the day to stand up against this fight against internet freedom.  Many Redditors also got together and signed petitions and got in contact with their local representatives.  And it worked.  Reddit has become so popular and massive it helped take down an act of Congress.  I'd say that's a pretty big deal.

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